About us

Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, there lived a remarkable middle schooler named Zara. But she wasn't just any ordinary student. Zara was a dreamer, a believer, and a force to be reckoned with!

You see, Zara had this wild idea that every child deserved access to education and books - so she set out to start an initiative to support local non profits that help kids. She firmly believed that knowledge was like magic—it had the power to transform lives and ignite endless possibilities. So, with a twinkle in her eye and a heart full of hope, Zara set out on a mission to make a difference.

Her project, Aurora by Zara, was what came out of that dream. A small way to make big difference. Zara poured her heart and soul into building, sourcing, and creating something truly extraordinary and started making items of jewelry to brighten everyone's day and sell these items to raise funds to support the cause she cared so much about.

Zara toiled tirelessly, fueled by her unwavering passion and rallied support, enlisted the help of friends and family, and even convinced her pet cat to lend a purr or two :-). 

But Zara's real secret ingredient was love—love for her fellow human beings, love for the power of learning, and love for the incredible feeling of helping others. She knew that when we care for each other, we all shine a little brighter, like a constellation of kindness illuminating the night sky.

And so, with Zara's determination and the support of her community, Aurora by Zara became more than just a project - it became a reality. 

Zara reminds us everyday that age is just a number when it comes to making a difference. It's about believing in something bigger than ourselves and taking action, no matter how small, to create a better world. So, let us all be inspired by the young dreamer, Zara, and let our hearts be filled with the spirit of Aurora—the dawn of good being done for others. After all, together, we can make the world a brighter, happier, and more magical place.



Make an Impact

every little action can make a big impact on a kids life

Make an Impact

Doing good does not have to be hard...every small action can make big difference